Are nuts actually fruits? What constitutes a fruit anyway? The answer might surprise you! The Short Answer Yes, nuts are technically fruits. The Long Answer I know, you’re skeptical, right? Nuts are nuts! A walnut isn’t the same thing as an apple, right? Wrong. Nuts are fruits, people. Honest to goodness fruits. That might seem […]
Do Pine Nuts Come From Pine Trees?
Do pine nuts actually come from pine trees, or is the name utterly misleading? The Short Answer Yes, pine nuts do in fact come from pine trees! The Long Answer Pine trees produce pine cones, which in turn contain pine nuts. If you’ve never had a pine nut, it’s a super small white nut, about […]
Are Pine Nuts Pignoli Nuts?
This Italian staple has an equally Italian name. But could pignoli nuts really just be pine nuts? The Short Answer Yes, Pine Nuts and Pignoli Nuts are the same thing. The Long Answer If you’re Italian, like me, you’ve likely eaten a pignoli nut or 50 at some point in your life. Italian grandmothers love […]