How does one classify a zucchini? The term zucchini squash gets thrown around a lot, but are zucchinis actually squash?

The Short Answer
Yes, zucchinis are a form of squash. (Speaking of which, have you ever heard of a courgette? See what we learned when we searched to see if courgette and zucchini are the same thing.)
The Long Answer
Squashes are fruits that are cooked as vegetables. They typically come in two varieties: winter squash and summer squash. Zucchinis are a summer squash, meaning they are harvested and eaten before the seeds and rind have hardened. Winter squash are harvested when they are fully grown and undergo a curing process to harden the skin. Because of this, winter squash tends to keep well, whereas summer squash like zucchinis have a relatively short shelf life.
Some examples of squash include hubbard, buttercup, butternut and pumpkins. Zucchinis are often served cooked, and can be prepared through boiling, steaming, grilling, baking, frying or even barbecuing.
You can even prepare zucchini in the Air Fryer! We also really enjoy Zucchini Parmesan.

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