Do you do it? Do you pre-boil your peppers before stuffing them? If not, we bet you will next time!
How to Bake Stuffed Peppers Like a Pro
So you’re a rocket scientist? That doesn’t impress me as much as some stuffed pepper cooking skills. If you’re looking for those mad skills, come get ’em.
Two Ways To Cut a Pepper for Stuffing
Did you know that there are two different ways to cut a pepper before stuffing it? And how you do it may tell you something about yourself.
Classic Stuffed Peppers Like Momma Used to Make
This is the classic stuffed pepper recipe that you’re looking for! Ground beef, rice and tomato sauce, piled into bell peppers and topped with gooey cheese, just like mom used to make.
How To Cook Fillings Inside of a Pepper
Yes, you can absolutely put raw fillings into peppers and bake them. You just need a bit of know-how. Don’t worry, we’ll fill you in.
Stuffed Peppers Through Time and Space
Stuffed peppers didn’t originate with our moms. They go way back. Find out when the trend started and get stuffed pepper ideas from around the world.
Easy Chicken Stuffed Peppers
It’s crazy how quickly these stuffed peppers come together. you’ll have them in the oven within minutes. While they cook, you won’t even have time for an episode of Veep. In fact, we bet you’ll be finished eating before the show is over.
Macaroni and Cheese Stuffed Peppers (Just Because We Can)
Stuffed peppers are soooo versatile. Fill ’em up with leftovers, like Mac n’ Cheese. We double-doggy-dare you not to smile.
Kale & Bacon Breakfast Stuffed Peppers
Get this delicious recipe for breakfast stuffed peppers. They’re pretty, tasty and healthy too!